


Donnafugata was created in Sicily in 1983 by Giacomo and Gabriella Rallo;today the fifth generation – José and Antonio – leads a team of people motivated to represent the excellence of Made in Italy in the world. Donnafugata has 3 historic production premises in Sicily. The ancient family cellars in Marsala, where the bottling and aging processes take place. The Contessa Entellina winery, with vineyards (ha283) and olive groves (ha9). The Khamma winery on Pantelleria,with vineyards planted to Zibibbo (ha68) cultivated alberello pantesco (UNESCO World Heritage). Since 2016 Donnafugata produces Etna, Cerasuolo and Frappato di Vittoria denominations, counting respectively on ha18 of vineyards and a vinification cellar in Randazzo on the northern slope of the volcano, and ha36 hectares in Acate. The name Donnafugata, which means woman in flight, is taken from the novel Il Gattopardo (The Leopard) and refers to the story of a queen who found refuge where the company’s vineyards are located today. An adventure that also inspired the corporate logo. Today the company’s icon wines are the reds Mille e una Notte, Fragore and the naturally sweet wine Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria DOC.

Visita guidata dei vigneti e della cantina, immersa nella natura del Parco dell’Etna, e degustazione di 4 vini rappresentativi di Donnafugata in abbinamento a 4 creazioni della cucina etnea.L’esperienza inizia con una passeggiata nel vigneto e prosegue nella barriccaia con vista sulla cima fumante del vulcano. Il percorso si conclude con la degustazione di 4 vini in abbinamento a 4 specialità della cucina etnea. Scoprirete il cru Vigna di Gabri, l’Etna Rosso Sul Vulcano, il raffinato Tancredi e l’immancabile Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria Doc, figlio del vento.

Inizio: 12:30

Durata: 90 minuti

Prezzo: 40 € a persona.


Randazzo (CT)
Tel. 3346363829
